Health Cards
Has your Health Card Expired?
A reminder to everyone to make sure they have a valid and current Health Card. If your card has expired, it is necessary that you get it reinstated as soon as possible.
Renewing your Health Card can now be done at the Wawa Service Ontario office, located at the Ministry of Natural Resources on Mission Road from 8:30am to 5pm daily, Monday to Friday. The office is open at lunchtime.
If you currently have the green health card, you are required to bring something with your current address on it (this could include your current driver’s license, a phone bill, tax assessment, etc.), and a piece of ID with your signature on it. If you have the old red and white health card, you are also required to bring in proof of citizenship. There is no charge for this service or this insurance!
If you do not renew your coverage, you:
- will NOT qualify for the Northern Ontario Travel Grant
- will have to pay ‘up-front’ for costly out of town testing such as MRIs , lab and diagnostic imaging testing as well as medical procedures, consultations and professional services
- will be billed for all routine clinic appointments
- may be refused a consultation appointment by a specialist
Once you have your new number and version code, please inform the Wawa Family Health Team office (705-856-1313) as soon as possible so your coverage can be seamlessly reinstated.